A budget-friendly DIY & lifestyle blog

Monday, February 4, 2013

Clean It Up: All Natural Homemade All-Purpose Cleaner

All the organizing and cleaning during the January Cure had me going through my cleaning products like wildfire.  Luckily I make my own all-natural homemade cleaners which are healthy and inexpensive.  I've already shared my recipes for liquid laundry detergent, powdered laundry detergent and lavender room spray.  In addition to those great cleaners, I also use an all-purpose spray to get all my surfaces sparkling clean.  Like all cleaners - you can add essential oils to give your home a fragrant boost.

All-Purpose Cleaner:
  • 28 oz spray bottle
  • 3 tsp. borax
  • 1/2 tsp. liquid castille soap (like Dr. Bronner’s)
  • hot water
Mix all together in the spray bottle then shake what ya mama gave ya.  This cleaner is safe on all surfaces and works great.  I used it on some tough stains (FYI:  coffee and unsealed grout Do.Not.Mix.)  Not to mention, it smells great!

So are you a loyal commercial brand cleaner or have you dabbled in some homemade versions?  What's your favorite?

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