A budget-friendly DIY & lifestyle blog

Friday, February 1, 2013

Friday Five // Lovely

With Valentine's Day only 2 weeks away, this Friday Five has gone sentimental.  But, since I'm not really the lovey-dovey, pink hearts all up in my bidness type (aside from last year's 14 Days of Valentines) - I'm doing it my way.  Whether it's two parakeets sitting in a tree or a pair of quirky Mr and Mrs highball glasses - these are all things that represent love and, frankly, that I'd love to have.

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So how are you spending the 14th?  With loved ones or hitting the town single-style?  I, for one, will be greeting my husband home from work looking fab in my sweats and my pretty much permanent top knot hair style - Eat Your Heart Out.

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