A budget-friendly DIY & lifestyle blog

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Houzz: Replace Your Windows And Save Money

Energy-efficient upgrades to your home can save you money in utility costs and help attract prospective buyers, too. Our century-old home has a laundry list of items that need attention. But for all the things that need to be updated, we lucked out in the window department; we have only four single-paned windows to replace. The four old windows were a break from the new, builder-grade vinyl windows that had been updated by the previous owners, and they had become a drain on our pocketbook as the months grew colder.

We replaced 2 of 4 in the kitchen nook almost a year ago and what a difference those made!  The nook was FREEZING cold - even with its baseboard heater.  Once we replaced those windows (and insulated the walls) it was like St. Bart's and family meals were much more pleasant.

The two remaining windows, one in the mudroom and one in the bathroom were the last to be replaced since their locations were pretty much separate from the rest of the house. 

The old windows did make for some cold bathroom time and I was more than excited when it was their time to go.

The bathroom seems to be warmer, although it definitely needs to be insulated from underneath.  Man, is that floor cold!  Our toes are begging for some new cork or radiant flooring.

For the full rundown on how we replaced them with new vinyl windows, check out my latest ideabook.

What DIY projects are you guys working on?

Disclaimer:  As a Contributor for Houzz, I have been compensated for any Ideabooks featured on Houzz, although I am not compensated for sharing Houzz Ideabooks on Revamp Homegoods.  All opinions expressed here are that of the writer and are in no way influenced by Houzz.

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