A budget-friendly DIY & lifestyle blog

Monday, February 11, 2013

Making the Switch To MailChimp

While I love sharing all about our trials and tribulations of owning a fixer-upper home with all of you there are parts of blogging that I'm not too fond of.  Most of which have to do with coding and building an easy-to-use website.  If you've been keeping up you might have noticed that I had a complete crash with my RSS feed and email subscribers a few months back.  I've been using feedburner and I am not happy with it so I've been on the hunt for other options.

I finally found an email subscriber service through MailChimp that is free for blogs with a small readership (under 2000 email subscribers.)  MailChimp makes it easy to design exceptional email campaigns, share them on social networks, integrate with web services I already use, manage subscribers, and track my results. I can mix and match MailChimp’s templates, features, and integrations to suit my needs. 

The MailChimp platform was surprisingly easy to navigate and use, plus it is pretty nice on the eyes, too.  Much, much better than feedburner's platform.

Importing my feedburner email subscribers was a piece of cake.  I downloaded the feedburner .csv file, created a new list on MailChimp and imported the .csv file into MailChimp. Easy peasy.   As for setting up a new campaign to automatically send RSS emails when new content is published or creating a branded template, that was a little more tricky.  Luckily MailChimp had my back with helpful tutorials to guide me along the process.

So for all of you current email subscribers, you're good to go and you should begin receiving updates via a new subscriber email starting with this post!  For all of you that are interested in subscribing - registration is easy.  Just enter your email address into the box labeled "Subscribe to Revamp Homegoods" on the right sidebar, Click the Subscribe button, Fill out the registration information and Confirm your subscription.  Your contact info will never be shared, sold or spammed and you can always unsubscribe if things start to get weird up in here.

I'm so excited to being one-step closer to a well-built and streamlined website, but there's still lots of work to do.  What subscriber services do you fellow bloggers use?  Have any experience with MailChimp?  Want to figure out my whole RSS issue for me?  No?  Dang.

UPDATE:  Don't forget to turn OFF your feedburner email feed or you'll risk sending out multiple updates, like me.  Crazy MailChimp - you'd think you would include that key step in your tutorial! Check out this step by step tutorial to make the switch for yourself.
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