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Monday, January 28, 2013

Poppin Tags: The Unofficial Macklemore Thrift Shop Challenge

What What, What, What - I'm not the only one with a thrifting addiction or a fondness for fur(ish) coats.  I went through a rebellious awesome stage in high school where I wore the most god awful clothes I could find - my number one outfit for away basketball games was a bright floral muumuu and a pink fur coat - Mimi would have been jealous.  Eat your heart out, Macklemore.  Setting trends and breaking hearts.

So for those not in the loop (are you living in a cave?!) - Macklemore is a rapper from Seattle (Washington, represent!) who partnered with Ryan Lewis to make this hilarious tribute to all things thrift store.  For those of you that like your versions a little more true to the artist check out the unedited version.  (If you’re on a smart phone click here to watch it.)

The hilarious couple over at Young House Love are all 'bout it too - so much, in fact, that they combined the two for a challenge I couldn't pass up.  The Completely Unofficial Macklemore Thrift Shop Challenge!  (For some reason I sang that Oprah-style when I was typing it and dang do I do a good Oprah impression...in.my.head.)

Step #1. Go to a thrift shop with – just as the chorus of the song says – “$20 in your pocket” and take a picture.


Step #2. Spend that $20 any way you’d like and photograph your spoils.

Did I get my come-up?  No, not exactly.  I have this awesome project planned for some thrift store leather jackets, but the greedy peeps at our local Goodwill are charging an arm and a leg for one.  $30?!  Sorry, too rich for my blood.  I'm going to have to hit up - what Josh dubs - "the center of the universe - where all thrift store castaways go to fight for their last chance at a new life."  Where do the unlucky ones go after the center of the universe...no one quite knows, or at least I don't.  You guys know of this place in Seattle?  If you haven't been there - you're missing out on all kinds of awesomeness.

So with no especially interesting finds to take home with me, I left with a couple of the Multi-Color  MALIN LÖV pillows from Ikea instead (each $2.99.)  Which is pretty much how thrifting goes - you win some, you lose some.  I'll probably recover these at some point.  They're the perfect shape and size for our sofa, but just not the right colors.  I could stencil them, "I participated in the YHL Macklemore Thrift Shop Challenge and all I got were these Ikea pillows."OR  (IDEA!).....anyone want to take part in a pillow swap?

Step #3. Find one item (or more) referenced in the song and snap a pic.

Nailed it!.....well, sort of.  These are gator, right?

Big A$$ Coat! 

If my "Stiffler's Mom Circa 2 Broke Girls" impression isn't enough to get you all warm and fuzzy then how about my "Blue Steel"?  Sorry, fellas...I'm taken.

Luckily I didn't find any skeet blankets.......................................................................awkward.

The thrift shop/Professor Mack gods were surely on my side for this challenge - as I turned the corner down the sporting goods aisle I stumbled upon a kid ROLLERBLADING!  I was too in awe of this awesomeness to snap a pic, but I swear on the thrifty gods themselves it happened.

Need a lesson in thrift shopping?  Check out Macklemore's interview with GQ. Now get out there and pop some tags.



  1. Ahhhh haha! You had me cracking up! I totally read "The Completely Unofficial Macklemore Thrift Shop Challenge" just like Oprah always screams "Oprah's Favorite Thingggggssss!!!!!" ha! Too funny. :)

    Love your blue steel face too! hehe

    Shannon Loves Design
    Fabulously Vintage

    1. Hahaha - seriously what are we going to do when Oprah isn't relevant anymore? How will we explain to our confused grandkids the hilarity of our overly excited exclamations?! It will be one sad day.

  2. Haha. Looks like fun! I can't wait to hit up a thrift shop this week sometime. Ours was closed on Sunday :(

    1. Closed on Sunday? Lame! That's my favorite shopping day.

  3. I want to be at the thrift store while you're taking these photos of yourself. Totally HOT! Haha. Have you taught Luke to be your photographer yet? :)

    1. Haha I need to! There was this very mature man and his wife there and I overheard him say to her (in his old man voice), "what is that girl doing with her phone? It was a total, "kids these days" moment.

  4. Come to Seattle and lets reenact the whole video. I love the fur coat pics, holy crap those are funny!!

    1. That sounds like a GREAT idea! As for the pics, I channeled Miss Tyra and busted out my smeyes.

  5. I was lucky to score some good finds -- even though the hubs isn't sold on them yet. And I have been to that Goodwill in Seattle. It's crazy business. So. Much. Stuff!

    1. Seriously! I get a little overwhelmed and can't ever find anything.

  6. I did the challenge too. Come take a look at what I found and let me know what you think. http://clementinebean.wordpress.com/2013/01/28/macklemore-thrift-store-challenge-part-1/

    It what definitely a fun challenge.

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