A budget-friendly DIY & lifestyle blog

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The World's EASIEST DIY Laundry Bag

Have you ever wanted to make something but don't really want to put in the time that it usually takes a project to get completed?  Well, do this.  It's practical, cute and INCREDIBLY EASY!  All the hard work is already done for you and all you have to do is pick out a cute pillowcase and some corresponding ribbon.

I first stumbled upon this on Better Homes & Gardens.  I saw it, loved it and pinned it.  Then it sat on my board, nearly forgotten, until I was choosing a project for the Pinterest Challenge: Winter Edition but the Tin Can Man won out, so still it sat, uncompleted.

Until today when I found the perfect pillowcase.  So, I got my supplies - embroidery hoop that I scored at goodwill for 50 cents, some ribbon leftover from a gift and the pillowcase purchased today for 99 cents - and got to work.  But first I had to read the instructions...or so I thought.  For some reason I didn't realize just how easy this project was when I first pinned it.  All you do is sandwich the pillowcase between the embroidery hoop and then tie ribbon around the fastener to hang it.  That's it.  It took me 30 seconds and I was finished.  Seriously, it took so little time that this post has now taken more time to write.

For a small bathroom like ours, this is the perfect out-of-the-way organization tool to keep our floor free of wayward clothes.  And how perfect would they be on the back of bedroom doors?  I'll be making two more of these for our and Luke's room.  And you should make a few too - it's just too simple not to!

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