A budget-friendly DIY & lifestyle blog

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Pinterest Challenge Winter Edition: Tin Can Man

As I mentioned before, I'm at it again ~ it's Pinterest Challenge - Winter Edition time where all us Pinners finally start doing and stop pinning, for a little while at least. Thanks to the ladies over at Bower Power Blog,  Young House Love,  The Great Indoors and Hi Sugarplum for lighting the fire under all of us!

For those of you that aren't following me on Pinterest (and how dare you!) I have pins upon pins of awesome projects I want to complete, but this one beat out all the rest to become my Challenge project. And the reason?  I have been wanting to make one for YEARS.  But with no yard of our own, I just didn't see the point and never got around to it.  Until now!  I'm so happy to have our first piece of yard art.  Drum roll please....

Please allow me to introduce, Mr. Fancy Shoes.
{Anyone that can sport gold shoes is pretty awesome in my book.}

I promised dapper and oh, did I deliver!  For a tutorial on how to create your own, check out Patti's at Worth the Whisk.  As for Mr. Shoes?  He's made out of two regular sized soup cans, four costco sized soup cans, one large spaghetti can, five bottle caps, and one canning ring (plus another can to cut out the mustache & bow tie.)  I used black spray paint and will probably end up spraying the shoes at some point (I started this project, traveled 4 hours away and then finished it - forgetting the spray paint at home.)  I used wire & glue to put this guy together.

And for other amazing Pinterest Challenge Winter Edition projects check out Bower Power, Young House Love, The Great Indoors and Hi Sugarplum.



  1. Hi, I tried to view the source but the link just takes you to a picture love them your version is great, I bought one but would love to make more

    1. Thanks Tam! (And thanks for the info about the source! It should be working now.)

  2. Oh, Love it! Great job! He's adorable! Thanks for sharing him at my place! Hope to see you again tomorrow!

  3. really cute & fun idea. I bet he sings in the wind too! Faythe @ GMT (*linky)
    visiting from Rook No. 17

  4. Really so cute and fun looking. Would love seeing this in my back yard, so a smile could enter my race. Thanks so much for sharing your creative inspiration at Sunday's Best.

  5. Dapper, indeed! Very cute-- great job, and thanks for linking up with the Winter Pinterest Challenge!

    Erin @ The Great Indoors


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