A budget-friendly DIY & lifestyle blog

Monday, August 12, 2013

Kid n' Play // DIY Lego Puzzle Book {Downloadable}

Let's be honest - working on DIY projects with kids around is nearly impossible.  They either want to "help" or they have other plans for how they want you to spend your afternoon.  For those times when I need to get something done busy projects are a life saver and they sure beat sticking an iPhone in my little one's hands.

Legos have been around for decades and are a favorite among both kids and parents.  A Lego Puzzle Book, which I first spied over at KidsActivitiesBlog, is a perfect project to engage kids in an activity that they highly enjoy which means plenty of uninterrupted project time for Mama, too.  It may require a little help at first but once they get the hang of it it's a perfect independent play project that develops important math and problem solving skills.

A few months back I laid out a few of Luke's Lego creations on white copy paper and snapped a few photos.  I finally got around to creating the puzzle book which was as simple as printing off the photos onto cardstock and stapling the book together.

Laminating the pages would ensure the book lasts through many playtimes and a report cover or three-ring binder would allow you to change up the puzzle book from time to time - adding new and more difficult creations as your little one masters the old.

Our first puzzle required a little assistance from mama but by the second puzzle my 3-year old, Luke, was a master.  And no, not Jedi-Master, young Luke still has much to learn....or is it...much to learn young Luke does. Mmm...

You can download the Lego puzzle book I created which has 7 puzzles made from Duplo Legos and is perfect for kids 3-5.  Or the next time your kiddo is playing with Legos pull out the camera and make your own.

So how do you keep your little ones entertained?

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