A budget-friendly DIY & lifestyle blog

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Houzz // Baking Soda: The Amazing All-Natural Cleanser You Already Own

Fluffy pastries and scrumptious cookies might be the first things that come to mind when you think of baking soda, but this ingredient is far more than a baking staple. Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, is a powerful cleanser that should be a mainstay in your kitchen pantry and cleaning arsenal. This inexpensive, all-natural ingredient is neck and neck with vinegar as one of the most nontoxic and versatile household cleaning agents.  

Check out my latest Houzz Ideabook for lots of helpful advice on cleaning with baking soda and share your tips in the comments section.

My favorite?  
  •  Freshen babies' burp cloths and clothes by sprinkling on baking soda, rubbing it in and washing as usual.
It is SOOO hard to get that nasty spit-up/vomit smell out with just laundry detergent - I'm so glad baking soda can tackle this tough job.

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Disclaimer:  As a Contributor for Houzz, I have been compensated for any Ideabooks featured on Houzz, although I am not compensated for sharing Houzz Ideabooks on Revamp Homegoods.  All opinions expressed here are that of the writer and are in no way influenced by Houzz.

This post was sponsored by Moen.  All opinions are my own.
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