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Friday, May 10, 2013

Why "You Are Just Like Your Mom" Makes Me Smile

My mom is one of my most favorite people and I strive to be more like her every day.  She's been an amazing role model, incredibly supportive and I hope to be as great and patient (eek!) of a parent as she is.  I lucked out and that's why I'm much more likely to smile and say thank you if someone were to say, "you're just like your Mom."  While there are a few ways that I AM just like her there are also quite a few that I wish I was more like.  Here's a sampling of the good, the bad, and the better qualities that my Mom rocks.

Me and my Mom circa 1982.


The Good

1)  Inquisitive - Mom and her 20 questions is a running joke in our family.  I can't even describe the barrage we'd be hit with as soon as she got home from work.  It used to drive me crazy and now I do the exact same thing to my little one.  I know now that she's ACTUALLY interested in our lives and loves us and that's the same way I feel about Luke.  So, my apologies, Luke - it's only going to get worse and my apologies, Mom, - ask away.

2)  DIY - Mom may not think she's a DIY-type of person, but she is.  I remember the time that she built us a bed.  A wobbly and ill-built bed, mind you, but she still built it herself.  She also built her own stair stepper back in the 90s.  It was a beast and once you moved it where you wanted it - you were too tired to work out.  Those sissy electrical machines we have now have nothing on it.  So, Mom - I hate to break it to you but you are definitely a DIY-type...so best get to building that addition!

3)  Observant - Although I tend to share my opinion more times than I should, like Mom, I do love to observe people while they're spewing nonsense...all the while thinking "you are ridiculous."

4)  Creative - I don't know how many times Mom (or myself) have come up with the most amazing invention or money making idea only to have someone else beat us to it.  We may be unmotivated to bring our idea to fruition, but damnit what a great idea it was!

5)  Bookworm - Just like my Mom, I love books and I love to read.  Although she's more of a kindle fanatic and I lean towards the classic - we still love to lose ourselves in a story.  This tops my list of things I hope to pass along to my children, well, below working hard, being kind, and being ridiculously weird, of course.


The Bad

1) Shy - It's a problem and something we've both had to battle through.  No we're not snobs, we're just ridiculously shy.  Which is crazy, since we were both theatrical standouts back in the day.  Right, Mom?  Wagon Wheels West!!!!!!!  But seriously, my shyness has kept me from doing so much and I really need to break out of my comfort zone.  So, thanks for that one, Mom.  I guess no one's perfect.  :)


The Better

1)  Easy Tempered (mostly) - Mom does an amazing job of keeping her cool - most of the time.  She's able to let all those little things go - like leaving your dirty socks in the living room - whereas I would be raging.  Socks don't matter in the grand scheme of things - love, respect and loyalty do. I think it's a big reason why Mom & Dad's marriage has lasted so long.  I mean, it couldn't have been easy living with Dad for the past 32 years! :)  (Sorry, Dad - love you!)

2)  Back to #3 above, I wish I could keep things in more...I always have to fight the urge to come to the defense of people.  Everyone is entitled to their opinion but if it's derogatory or judgmental I can't help but want to say something. Mom would say - you have to pick your battles and you can't change people.  Just ignore them and move on....so I try, but it sure is hard!

3)  Hardworking - My parents were teenagers when they had me - my Mom just a few months from her high school graduation.  She has always worked so hard for our family (they both have).  There are times when Mom was working jobs she hated but she did what she had to do to support her family without any complaint - that I heard, at least.  As I'm struggling being back at work, this is something I definitely need to take to heart.  It's not about me and what I want, but what is best for those crazy little creatures of ours.

4)  Smart - I'm not saying I'm a dunce, but my Mom is a smarty pants.  Any subject - she's a pro.  I mean, she was valedictorian, after all....just don't ask her for any help with spelling.  Right, Kai?!  :)

5)  Forgiving - I put my Mom through the ringer back in high school and never did she hold anything against me - she's always thought the best of me...even when I wasn't acting so well.  (Anyone remember that awful Porn Star shirt?  God, I hope I don't have a girl.)  I hope to be that way for my children - even if it is of the female gender.

So what do you love about your Mom?  Now is it Mother?  Mama?  Mum?  Whatever it is - don't forget to actually call her on Sunday or you might be in big trouble, Mister. (or Miss) Happy Mother's Day to all you Moms out there.  I'll be spending some good ol' quality time with the lady who made me and my Mom's second favorite daughter and my bestie, Kai.  Now that's a great Mother's Day!

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