A budget-friendly DIY & lifestyle blog

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Homemade Cleaning Products - Update

It's been a good amount of time since we made the switch from store-bought, chemical-laden cleaning products to homemade all-natural ones, so I thought I'd share how it's going.


Powdered Laundry Detergent - I love it!  Our clothes come out clean and fresh although not as sparkling white as they did with the store-bought stuff.  I'm a little sensitive to the Fels-Naptha soap but once the clothes are washed and dried the smell is almost non-existent.

Liquid Laundry Detergent - I like the liquid version of the laundry detergent best.  I feel like the clothes get a little bit cleaner and it makes a whole lot more at a time.  Plus, I can add essential oils to change the scent.  I definitely think the store bought stuff works the best, but I'll choose slightly less white over harmful chemicals every day.  I do add oxygenated bleach (OxyClean) to my white loads to give it a whitening boost which seems to help.

All-Purpose Cleaner - This stuff is amazing.  I love the scent of the Dr. Brommer's castile soap and it cleans like a champ.  I use it in the kitchen and bathroom and it powers through all the dirt and grime and wipes away clean.

I still have yet to make a carpet cleaner and a few other cleaners but those are definitely on the list!  What all-natural methods do you guys use to get the house spic and span?

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