A budget-friendly DIY & lifestyle blog

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

7 Perfect Vanity Fixtures from Schoolhouse Electric

Have I mentioned how much I love Schoolhouse Electric? When my dreams to install a vanity light in the bathroom were restored (more on that tomorrow) I hightailed it to my favorite lighting store to track down the perfect vanity light - online, of course.  I love the classic-with-a-modern-spin selection of period lighting that Schoolhouse Electric offers and my green side loves that SE is headquartered just down the road in Portland, Oregon.  To say that I found a wall sconce that would work for our vanity is a definite understatement...

1// Davis Wall Sconce - $259, as shown  2// Montclair Wall Sconce - $217, as shown  3// Otis Wall Sconce - $114, as shown  4// Franklin with Cage Wall Sconce - $94, as shown  5// Emory Wall Sconce Single - $140, as shown  6// Irvine Wall Sconce Single - $158, as shown  7// Satellite Wall Sconce - $134, as shown

And that isn't all of them - check out all of the wall sconce fixtures here.

My first choice was #1 - the Davis Wall Sconce.  I love how it doesn't take up much space vertically which is perfect for our low ceilings.  Unfortunately the hubs shot it down since it was far outside of our budget.  So sadly, you won't see an SE light in tomorrow's How To Install A Vanity Light post, but the one I did score ain't too shabby.

I am on a lighting kick...all 3 of my last posts have centered around this room staple!  Guess we all know what I've been stressing out about lately.  :)

So what about you guys - are you on the Schoolhouse Electric bandwagon or is your style a bit more modern?

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