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Monday, July 9, 2012

Pinterest Challenge Summer Edition: Good (re)vs. Evil Kid's Cape

Guess what time it is????  YEP!  It's...

Jumping up and down?  Me too!

The lovely ladies, Katie from Bower Power and Sherry from YoungHouseLove along with the equally lovely Kate - better known as Centsational Girl and Michelle from the blog Ten June are the hosts for this summer edition.

I've been keeping my eye on the announcement for the Pinterest Challenge: Spring Edition, but it seems like I wasn't the only one extremely busy and the PC ladies, like mother nature, skipped right over spring.

This summer we've celebrated lots of birthdays for the little tykes in our lives and with present ideas quickly dwindling I thought I'd make something homemade for Luke's best buds next door.  These boys are pretty amazing and only something SUPER would do and what's more super than Super Hero capes?  That's right.  Nothing.

I dug through my pins and remembered seeing this tutorial at All For the Boys by Christie from Storehouse Crafts. While I didn't follow the tutorial, I did use a similar pattern. And instead of using a superhero fleece for the inside, I thought I'd turn things up a notch and make one side good and the other side evil because sometimes you just want to be bad.

  • Fleece in desired colors for front and back (one yard of fleece will make roughly 2 small capes.  I used black and a white lightning bolt for the evil side and a colored fleece with a white circle and another color initial for the good side.)
  • Thread
  • Sewing machine

First, I drew a template (half of the cape) for the larger size and the smaller sized capes onto some art paper.  I created three capes - one for each two year old and one for a five year old.  The smaller ones were 19.5" from the inside corner of the tie to the end, 11" across the top, 13.75" along the bottom and I used a 6.75" circle for the back.  The bigger cape was 23" long from the inside corner of the tie to the end, 14.5" across the top, 16.5" along the bottom and used an 8" circle.

Cut out your template and fold the fabric in half and pin the template to the folded fleece with the long side of the template along the fold. 

Cut along the template.

Take out the pins and unfold the fleece.  You should have something similar to the photo below.  Repeat the process for the colored piece of fleece.

Trace a circle, initial and lightning bolt onto art paper, pin it to the desired color fleece and cut out.

Place the initial in the center of the circle.  I used a little craft glue to keep it in place, but you could also pin it.

Sew both the letter and circle, plus the lightning bolt to each respective side.

Place the wrong sides of each side of the cape together.  Pin into place and stitch 1/4" around the perimeter, leaving the top open to turn the cape right side out.  Once right side out, stitch the opening closed and you're done!

And that's it.  A simple and incredibly fun gift to give all those SUPER kids in your life.

 And as for what the kids thought of them...I can safely say they were a hit!

So what about you?  Any SUPER success stories to share?  Have any other cute things you've pinned for the kiddos?

I know I'll be looking for more fun things to make. There's just nothing more awesome than someone enjoying something you've made.



  1. These are amazing!! And you're right...what a great gift idea. Thanks for the inspiration! xo

  2. Those are awesome! I need to redo my little caped crusaders cape - this is definately an easier way to make them. Thanks for sharing.


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