For those of you that aren't following me on Pinterest (and how dare you!) I have pins upon pins of awesome projects I want to complete, but this one beat out all the rest to become my Challenge project. And the reason? I have been wanting to make one for YEARS. But with no yard of our own, I just didn't see the point and never got around to it. Until now! I'm so happy to have our first piece of yard art. Drum roll please....
Please allow me to introduce, Mr. Fancy Shoes.
{Anyone that can sport gold shoes is pretty awesome in my book.}
{Anyone that can sport gold shoes is pretty awesome in my book.}
I promised dapper and oh, did I deliver! For a tutorial on how to create your own, check out Patti's at Worth the Whisk. As for Mr. Shoes? He's made out of two regular sized soup cans, four costco sized soup cans, one large spaghetti can, five bottle caps, and one canning ring (plus another can to cut out the mustache & bow tie.) I used black spray paint and will probably end up spraying the shoes at some point (I started this project, traveled 4 hours away and then finished it - forgetting the spray paint at home.) I used wire & glue to put this guy together.
And for other amazing Pinterest Challenge Winter Edition projects check out Bower Power, Young House Love, The Great Indoors and Hi Sugarplum.