The first book had me drooling when I first spotted it online. And I know, I'm a little late in the game but better late than never, right? I just can't bring myself to pay full price for a book, so I wait until there are used copies or it has a drastic price cut. Luckily the latter was the case and I finally picked up a copy of Grace Bonney's book, Design Sponge at Home. It. Is. Amazing. I can't wait to shut myself in tonight and just devour the entire 390 pages. If you have any interest in home design then RUN and get a copy of your own. You'll thank me for it.
The next was a book geared towards fostering learning in children. Mariah Bruehl's Playful Learning - Develop Your Child's Sense of Joy and Wonder is an amazing educational resource for children 4 to 8. Why not exactly "home" related, it does give great tips on how to organize your home or room to be a playful learning environment. Mariah also provides wonderful activities that inspire and teach your children. Even though, he's younger than the target audience, I can't wait to incorporate these into Luke's daily routine.
Until next time,
You're right!! Unagi! ( do know that episode from Friends?)