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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Move Over Big Brother: Shared Bedroom Inspiration

With less than four months until baby #2 makes its arrival, I am in full-fledged nesting mode.  Our kitchen/nook is nearly finished and will be the perfect space for our growing family, however we still have work to do on Luke's room.  He's going to be making some room for baby brother (yay!  we're having another boy!)

I love the idea of shared rooms where the boys will laugh, fight and bond together - although, the kids may not agree.  At one time growing up, my sister, brother and I all shared a room.  It was always a disaster with our ninja turtles, barbies and matchbox cars cluttering the space but some of the fondest memories were made in that overcrowded room.  How will we make it work for two children that will be roughly 39 months apart in age?

Our plan is to build a bunkbed which will give us maximum amount of floor space perfect for playtime.  The bed will also transition from baby to big kid as our newest little bundle grows so the top bunk will be reserved for Luke and the bottom bunk will be replaced by a crib during the first year.  Here's a few of the inspiration shots that have me doing the truffle shuffle which is pretty much the only dance I can manage at this point.


{VIA - Roberto Gil Furniture Design}

The upright stairs have always been a little scary and that's why I love this loft bed version from Ana White

{VIA - Ana White}

 And once the baby is old enough for a bed of its own the crib would get the boot. 



{VIA - Holly Mathis Interiors}


And one of my all-time favorite spaces -


So what about you guys?  Do your children share a room or do they get the luxury of their own private retreat?

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