A budget-friendly DIY & lifestyle blog

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Beadboard / Board & Batten DIY Reveal & How-To

This bathroom started as a basic builder's grade shell with beige tile floors, beige tile shower and beige walls.  We are still rocking the beige but we've added a fresh update to break up the monotone color and give the room a bit of texture and character.

Let's just go back in time a bit - back to late 2011 when we stepped foot into this little fixer upper, looked around and thought...yep, this one is it.  Our little house was pretty boring - actually extremely boring.  The walls and ceilings were a cream color - the carpet, brown - and the bathroom...well, the bathroom was nearly beige from floor to ceiling.

Now let's move forward in time just a little bit to mid-2012 - I gave the bathroom a little mini update for only $150 by installing a Moen Glenshire pivoting mirror & toilet paper holder, mounting towel hooks on the wall and accessorizing with a few Ikea towels and glass shelves.

It was a nice breath of fresh air but the last little piece that would tie the whole room together was just eating at me to get finished.  Before we started installing the wall treatment, we replaced the old window and then installed a vanity light to add additional lighting.

Finally, to wrap this room up and officially move it from Progress to After, we created a beadboard/board and batten wall treatment.  The wall treatment gives the bathroom a nice classic decorative finish which is reminiscent of both our home's era and the casual beachy style of the interior, plus it protects the walls from wear and tear.

For those that are interested in the step-by-step process, check out my latest Houzz Ideabook, Beadboard Panels Offer a Shortcut to a Classic Style, which details our custom DIY board & batten / beadboard wall treatment.

So what about you guys?  What updates have you done lately?  Any bathroom makeovers to brag about?

Disclaimer:  As a Contributor for Houzz, I have been compensated for any Ideabooks featured on Houzz, although I am not compensated for sharing Houzz Ideabooks on Revamp Homegoods.  All opinions expressed here are that of the writer and are in no way influenced by Houzz.

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