A budget-friendly DIY & lifestyle blog

Monday, June 3, 2013

Weekend Warrior: June 1 // Recap

Well, we didn't get as much done as we were hoping but we sure were busting our butts all weekend long (or Josh was, in any case.)  There's quite a few things that are half done and a couple that we just didn't get around to.

  • Electrify the shed - 50% completed! The outlet and lighting boxes are mounted, we just need to dig the trench and run the wiring.
  • Finish electrical in mudroom/nook - 100% Completed!  Our microwave is finally hooked up - No more 40 minute burritos!
  • Finish installing the bathroom wall treatment - 80% Completed! Mostly done, just a small portion of the trim to finish up.
  • Caulk and paint the bathroom wall treatment - 10% Completed - I started on the caulk but ran out so I'm hoping to finish tonight.
  • Find/create lighting for mudroom/nook - 20% Completed - We have the two pendants, we just need to track down the glass shades and a track lighting option. 
  • Build bench and bookcase in the nook - 0% Completed - Not even close...this shouldn't have even made last weekend's list.
  • More yard work - Done although this is a job that never ends. - We picked up a new Ryobi trimmer/edger from Home Depot and Josh cleaned up the yard.
  • Build raised garden bed - 0% Completed - Our poor veggies really need a home.
So, we didn't quite reach our full beast-mode expectations, but we did get quite a bit done.  We're hoping to get finish up everything else on the list early this week so we can schedule our electrical inspection on Thursday and move on to the fun stuff - installing drywall!

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