A budget-friendly DIY & lifestyle blog

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

My Summer Bucket List

Renovating our house has taken over our lives!!!  Don't get me wrong - I love all the projects and seeing the before and after transformations unfold but, the chaos....oh, the chaos.  It is just exhausting.  So with my time off from the office job, this summer I'm focusing more on living, relaxing and and less on working - too bad Josh can't say the same. I'm sure there will be a DIY project in there somewhere, but they better be few and far between...


* Read...lots!
* Log some good ol' beach time
* Create a guest room upstairs
* Host a backyard science camp

* Dinner with the neighbors
* Go swimming with Luke

* Paint the house
* Go camping
* Go hiking
* Turn off the tv & enjoy the weather
* Have a water balloon fight
* Go kayaking with Mom
* Go to a Mariners game with my boys
* Install a hammock
* Float the Klickitat

* Spend some time with the ladies
* Go to an outdoor concert

* Visit friends
* Tie dye tshirts
* Host backyard camping & movie night.....and that's just the beginning.

What are your plans for the summer? Need a few ideas?  Check out these fun summer activities or this ultimate summer bucket list.

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