A budget-friendly DIY & lifestyle blog

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Pinterest Challenge: Winter Edition

Do you guys remember my Mason Jar Soap Dispenser for the Pinterest Challenge Fall Edition?  Well, those hilarious ladies over at Bower Power Blog & Young House Love are at it again and this time they've invited two more ladies along from The Great Indoors and Hi Sugarplum.  It's Pinterest Challenge time again - Winter style.  (Although it is looking a bit more like Spring 'round my parts.)

For those of you that aren't following me on Pinterest (and how dare you!), I've been pinning like crazy and most of the pins are focused around our home renovation, but there's always been some amazing crafts in there, too. Here's a little peek at some of my home DIY inspirations.

I can't wait to complete each of these, but with the current state of our home reno (replacing a foundation beam has taken precedence over our kitchen remodel), I've had to put each of these off.  So, to my craft section I go and just in time for National Craft Month!

And while these three are all great choices, I'm lazy and don't want to venture outside of the house to acquire the supplies to make either of them.  So, the winner?

A tin can man!  I've been having yard decor envy ever since I first spotted the quirky guy hanging in our friend's yard a few years back and have been saving up my cans in hopes of one day making my own. With the weather looking more like Spring than Winter, I thought this would be the perfect little project to welcome my favorite season of the year. The handsome guy above is courtesy of Patti at Worth the Whisk, who has a great little tutorial on how to create your own.

Tune in next Wednesday, March 14th to see our dapper little man's unveiling.


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