A budget-friendly DIY & lifestyle blog


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  1. I saw a ball jar made into a lotion bottle and wondered where I could purchase the top so I could make some. Anyone know where I could find them to purchase???

  2. Hi! You can purchase them here: http://www.onedreamdesign.com/sink/indexpumps.shtml

  3. Hy , I just did a chair like you same fabric and I found a another one so I return for more fabric nothing it's sold out .
    Could you tell me where you buy the black and white fabric .

    Thanks and sorry for my bad english my first language is frenck .

  4. JoAnn.com is featuring a project of a cross stitch design of the USA in an embroidery hoop. They do not have the pattern, and referred me to you as the project designer. Do you have the pattern available?


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